With the gap between electrical and technology closing, a bridge between the two became a no brainer. Having Electrical and Technology experts in the same company allows your upgrades and renovation to be seamless. No more contractors pointing fingers at each other about why something is wrong. Now you can call one place to handle everything, and it is done quick, efficient, and properly the first time.
Our vision is to offer affordable IT solutions to small and medium sized businesses. Not all businesses have on staff IT support. Many businesses struggle with the “thorn in the side” that IT can become. BT Tech is here to help! We want to make your business communication flow without headaches. We strive to help you use technology to become as efficient as possible.
We partner with the most innovative companies in the industry. Our installers are constantly training on the newest technology so we are able to provide the most up to date technology possible for your business.
BT Tech are experts in cabling. With BICSI Technicians on staff we can handle any of your infrastructure needs. We are certified installers in many brands and are able to offer up to 25 year manufacturers warranties on our cabling installations. From category 6A cabling to fiber optics we are here to help. Give us a call today to learn how we are able to help get your infrastructure performing flawlessly.
BT Tech can handle nearly any scenario using hosted phone solutions. From single phone systems for small business owners to multi-tier auto attendant systems with hundreds of phones. We are here to listen to your needs and design something specific to your company. With services like Find Me Follow Me and Voicemail to Email we will end communication barriers which will allow your company to be more efficient.
Networking can be very difficult to understand. Segregating networks is critical in nearly every network, no matter the size of your business. This includes things such as separating your guest network from your internal network to ensure your guests do not have access to business information. Many people also get fines for not being PCI DSS compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), and in many cases this is a simple fix. Let BT Tech be the experts you trust to ensure your network in configured properly.
In todays society firewalls are a necessity. They provide the network level security your company needs. With Virus databases being updated multiple times a day, firewalls offer the protection you demand. Block foreign country traffic before it even tries to penetrate your network. With features like application control you can keep your employees off Facebook and focused on work. View log reports of most visited sites, utilization, virus hits, and many other things. Give BT Tech a call today to learn more about how a firewall will help to keep your business safe and secure.
Door Access can help you not only control who has access to your building, but when they have access to it. Creating schedules allows employees to have access during working hours but locks them out during non-business hours. Have a management team that needs 24/7 access? No problem! We can configure different groups to have different time restrictions. We can also control which parts of the building each employee has access to. This gives you total control to where and when your employees have access to the different parts of your business.
Wireless is a great tool in business. From keeping your guests entertained while they wait to allowing your repair technicians to diagnose a car in the middle of your parking lot, wireless can help you become more efficient. WiFi is standard in almost all businesses today. We can help design and implement a controlled wireless system throughout your entire facility.
BT Tech installs a wide range of security cameras. We offer affordable and simple camera packages all the way to high end camera systems that offer advanced analytics with the ability to self-learn. We will help you decide what you need, design it, implement it, and train you how to use it. Nearly every system can be tied to your phone with an application so you always know your home or business is safe and secure. A camera system is almost essential for businesses of all sizes – it can prevent theft, capture an accident, and allow you to see your employees.
With the demand of today’s resource intensive ways of communication, you need an infrastructure that can handle the task. From video streaming to VOIP calls your infrastructure backbone needs to be solid. Let BT Tech assist you with a fiber backbone for your network, or possibly linking multiple building together.